We're a pioneering arts organisation based in Grimsby, passionately serving our community and beyond, by creating thoughtful and imaginative festivals, events and projects all designed to uplift, stimulate and positively impact.
We work to ensure more people have access to cultural opportunities and believe everyone deserves the best no matter what their background or where they live.
We contribute to shaping our place, with love and commitment co-producing in partnership with others, engaging and memorable cultural experiences that we hope connect and live on in the heart.
Believing in the power of creativity and culture, we’re dedicated change-makers, facing the future while looking back to celebrate how far we’ve come.
We love to enliven grey streets and public space with the vibrant work of visiting artists and our local talent, laying much needed foundations for cultural development with what we do also proven to raise ‘pride of place’.
Our projects span the whole spectrum of arts, from outdoor circus and street arts to live music, theatre, visual art and more – we have a love for all things creative, aiming to connect people to the work of outstanding, credible and innovative artists while showcasing and supporting the development of the artistic strengths our region has to offer.
Having established in 2010 with a trailblazing blend of projects now under our belt, we’ve recently transitioned to a charity, focussing on the difference and impact we can continue to make to this truly wonderful town of ours.
In 2022, despite all the challenges we’ve faced post Covid and in an area that needs more of everything, we engaged 50,000 people of all aged in culture and creativity