Our Vision
& Mission
Our vision is to transform futures using the power of creativity and culture.
Our mission incorporates:
Placemaking – The Culture House uses arts and cultural activity to connect people to Grimsby and NE Lincs; to enhance wellbeing and quality of life and help people to feel proud of this place.
Creation and Production – The Culture House co-creates a quality and diverse cultural offer of outdoor and indoor events and creative opportunities which connect people to where they live and each other. We provide opportunities for people to have a cultural life that engages, excites and inspires them.
Talent Development – The Culture House provides training, work experience and performance platforms that support creative practitioners in Grimsby and NE Lincs to raise their aspirations and realise their potential.
Advocacy and Promotion – Through advocacy and promotion of cultural activity we will help to develop understanding of the importance of culture in making our community thrive.

Our Values
The Culture House is underpinned by a set of values that are evident in all aspects of our work.
The Culture House is a visionary organisation that is working to make a better future for the people of Grimsby, NE Lincs and beyond.
The Culture House is founded on belief. We believe in the power of creativity and culture to transform lives.
The Culture House makes connections, encouraging people to connect to this place, to each other and to themselves.
The Culture House delivers high quality creative programming and aspires to gold standard behaviour in all that we do.
The Culture House is an organisation where respect is paramount. We show respect to our colleagues, audiences, stakeholders and everyone we encounter during the course of our work.